“In attaining our ideals, our means should be as pure as the end!”
Dr. Rajendra Prasad
THE SEARCHLIGHT strives to be your reliable source for accurate and unbiased fact-checking. We are a dedicated team of researchers, analysts and journalists adamant about providing you with the truth. Our mission is to sift through the overwhelming amount of misinformation circulating on various platforms and separate facts from falsehoods.
Our core values revolve around the principles of transparency, accountability and integrity, emphasizing impartiality and rigor. With a strong inclination towards fostering critical thinking and healthy debates in our global community, THE SEARCHLIGHT embraces the responsibility of helping people navigate the complex landscape of information consumption while promoting ethics in journalism.
Our team is constantly scanning news articles, social media posts, and political statements to identify any misleading or false information. We cover news, politics and wide range of topics relevant to our everyday lives.
We understand the impact that malinformation has on society and thus we work diligently utilizing research methodologies to keep our content accurate and up-to-date.
The Searchlight is a legally registered organization that is set up exclusively for the purpose of fact-checking. The registration certificate can be viewed here. Staying informed is vital; stay curious and always question what you read.
The name we opted for is inspired from a pro Independence newspaper co-founded by the first President of India Dr. Rajendra Prasad in the 20th century. It denotes the light that seeks the truth. The newspaper was acquired by Birla Group and was shut down in 1986.
We too, like our forefathers, seek that righteous and ethical path towards the facts; and this inspired us to select this name as our venture towards the fight with misinformation.
The Searchlight was a pre-independence newspaper founded by Dr Sachidanand Sinha and co-founded by Dr. Rajendra Prasad in 1918 with Murali Manohar Prasad, Syed Hyder Hussain, S Ranga Iyer, Maheshwar Prasad as it’s editors.
It was the first English news publication in Bihar which was inclined towards the Independence of India with a forward patriotic outlook.